Here are the event schedules for 2024 with times/dates for all activities as of 4/25/2024. Schedules are subject to change without notice, so please stay tuned.
MONDAY 08/12 - VIP DAY ONLY - Access only granted to VIP Ticket Holders - Gates open at Noon
4-7pm VIP food served, VENDOR ROW
MMJ Cornhole Tournament begins at 8pm
DJ Ryan Kern will be Rocking during the cornhole contest.
TUESDAY 08/13 - Early Access Admission $100.00 GATES OPEN AT 10:00am
Pit open at 6am for the Bad Ass of the Day competition $2500.00
2PM sxs Drags, NA, Turbo, Outlaw Classes Come watch and Race Against the SXS Blog!!
pit closes 6pm
8pm Awards Ceremony
8:30 DJ Ryan Kern will be hosting the Hippie night Party. Cash prize for Best dressed.
WEDNESDAY 08/14- Gate Price is $90.00
PIT OPENS at 10:00am
6pm Sled pulls in grand stands, Ultimate Mega Truck Challenge
8:30 sxs Short course Racing in the Grand Stands!!
Awards Ceremony following sxs short course race.
10:00pm Dj Ryan Kern Hosts 80's Night party. Best Dressed wins Cash Prize.
THURSDAY 08/15 - Gate Price is $80.00
Mud Pits open at 10:00am
2:00pm - Hill n Hole Race, Ultimate Mega Truck Challenge
8:00pm - 1-Ton Fun Races, Mega Truck Chicago Race in the Grand Stands!
10:00 pm Awards Ceramony
10:00 PM DJ Ryan Kern Hosts Daisy Dukes n Cowboy Boots Party, Best Dressed wins cash prize
FRIDAY 08/16 - (FREEDOM DAY - Wear your USA Colors) Gate Price is $70.00
Open Mud Pits from 10:00am
1PM Safety Challenge,, Ulitmate Mega Truck Challenge
2PM Bounty Hole Ultimate Mega Truck Challenge
4-6PM calander girl photo shoot.
7:59PM Awards Ceremony
8PM Burnout Contest (Tug Pad)
8:30-10PM Tugs all trucks must be staged by 7:30
10 PM DJ RYAN KERN, Foam Party!!
SATURDAY 08/17 - Gate price is $50.00
Open Mud Pits 10:00am
7:59 Awards Ceremony
8PM Michigan vs Everyone Human Tug o War $1,000 dollars to the winning team
8:30 Tugs all trucks have to be staged by 7:30PM
10PM DJ RYAN KERN , Glow/ Paint Party
11PM POLE competition with guest judge Ryder May!
All times subject to change without notice.